


はい、CIA がジョン F. ケネディ大統領を殺害しました。あなたの政府は嘘です: JFK は CIA によって殺害され、国防総省国務省の支援を受けました


希望の光であった JFK は、人生の絶頂期に暗殺され、国民は衝撃に打ちひしがれました。彼の暗殺に関する陰謀説は数十年にわたって渦巻いており、CIA が国防総省国務省と協力して彼の殺害を計画したという恐ろしい可能性を示唆しています。


政府と 1963 年 11 月 22 日の出来事についてあなたが信じていることすべてに異議を唱える準備をしてください。テキサス州ダラスでの運命のその日、公式の説明ではリー ハーヴェイ オズワルドが単独で行動したとされていましたが、60 年以上にわたって、無数の説がより邪悪な陰謀を主張しています。JFKベトナム戦争の拡大を拒否し、CIA の存在そのものを脅かす反逆者と見なされていました。




典型的な CIA の処刑計画が機能している。暗殺は高度に区分化された作戦で実行され、主要な関係者は厳密に知る必要がある場合にのみ参加した。CIA、シークレット サービス、FBI、ダラス警察内の要素は、暗殺とその隠蔽の両方に共謀していたに違いない。


LBJ の動機は明らかである。彼はライバルを排除し、自分の政治的将来を守りたかったのだ。JFK に対する潜在的な共謀者のリストは膨大で、CIA、FBI、組織犯罪、さらには外国勢力も含まれる。これらはケネディ一族の手強い敵であり、権力の掌握を維持するために JFK を排除したいと考えていた。











Yes, the CIA Killed President John F. Kennedy. Your Government is a Lie: JFK Was Killed by the CIA, With Help From the Pentagon, and State Department


JFK, a beacon of hope, was struck down in the prime of his life, leaving a nation reeling in shock. Conspiracy theories about his assassination have swirled for decades, suggesting a chilling possibility – that the CIA, in collaboration with the Pentagon and the State Department, orchestrated his murder.


Prepare to challenge everything you believe about the government and the events of November 22, 1963. On that fateful day in Dallas, Texas, the official story claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, but for over six decades, countless theories insist on a more sinister plot. JFK was seen as a renegade, refusing to escalate the Vietnam War and threatening the CIA’s very existence.


The narrative surrounding the assassination implicates Lyndon Johnson, who had both the motive and power to orchestrate a seamless operation. With the backing of the Military-Industrial Complex and the southern political machine, he ensured a public execution right in his backyard.


Classic CIA EXECUTION plans are at play. The assassination was carried out in a highly compartmentalized operation, with key players inserted on a strict need-to-know basis. Elements within the CIA, Secret Service, FBI, and Dallas Police had to be complicit in both the assassination and its coverup.


LBJ's motives are clear: he wanted to eliminate a rival and protect his own political future. The list of potential conspirators against JFK is extensive, including the CIA, FBI, organized crime, and even foreign powers. These were formidable foes of the Kennedy clan, all wanting JFK out of the way to maintain their grip on power.


The truth is beginning to emerge. Justice will eventually prevail, as more information about the coup d'état comes to light. The federal government has long been viewed with deep distrust, and now is the time for it to come clean about its darkest secrets.


In conclusion, Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with JFK’s assassination. He was framed by the CIA, a loyal American trying to alert the President of danger. The truth has been buried, but as we confront our history, we must be prepared to face uncomfortable revelations.


Let this be a call to action: demand the truth, expose the dark underbelly of our government, and fight for our freedom and democracy! Are you ready to confront the truth?


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