

JFK_Q17 2024 9/22

JFK_Q17 2024 9/22

The American Nightmare: How the 1871 Corporate Takeover Is Stripping You of Rights and Dignity—Reclaim Your Identity!

アメリカの悪夢: 1871 年の企業買収によって、どのように権利と尊厳が奪われたのか - アイデンティティを取り戻しましょう!

They’ve lied. Stolen. Sold out this country to the globalist elites who want to turn America into a slave state. The attack isn’t from outside, it’s from within—the corrupt deep state. They’ve hijacked our government, our money, and our freedom. You think you’re a free citizen? Wake up. You’re a number, a product, a slave in their system.


In 1871, they turned America into a business and YOU into an asset. That birth certificate you got? It’s not just paper—it’s a bond. Your body is being traded like cattle. The elites have bought and sold you, and you didn’t even know. Your name in all caps on that certificate means you’re not a free human being—it’s a corporate contract.


The truth is, a globalist cabal has been running the U.S. for over a century. The Federal Reserve, media, politicians—they're all part of this system, designed to control and manipulate you. Your freedom? An illusion. Every dollar in your pocket? Worthless. Real money was gold and silver, but they took that away to make you dependent on their monopoly.


You think your vote counts? It doesn’t. Elections are rigged. Every politician is handpicked by the same globalists who control everything. Trump was the only one who wasn’t part of their game, and that’s why they went after him with everything they had. They rigged the 2020 election to keep him out, and they don’t care if you know it.

あなたの投票が重要だと思いますか? 重要ではありません。選挙は不正操作されています。すべての政治家は、すべてを支配している同じグローバリストによって厳選されています。トランプは彼らのゲームの一部ではなかった唯一の人物であり、だからこそ彼らは全力で彼を追い詰めたのです。彼らは彼を締め出すために2020年の選挙を不正操作しましたが、あなたがそれを知っていても気にしません。

COVID? It was a weapon—engineered to collapse the economy, strip away your freedoms, and make you compliant. It’s never been about health, it’s always been about control. The vaccine? A tool to track and enslave you, not to save lives. Look at the border. They’re flooding this country with illegals on purpose. This chaos isn’t accidental—it’s part of the plan to break America and make us all dependent on the government.


The media? Pure propaganda. They’re silencing the truth, pushing lies, and covering for the globalist agenda at every turn. Trump? He was our last chance to expose their corruption and take this country back, and that’s why they fought him so hard. They fear the truth. If enough people wake up, their empire collapses.


But here’s the thing—they’re scared. They know we’re waking up. They see that the MAGA movement is stronger than ever, and they’re running out of time. That’s why they’re pushing their climate crisis agenda and doubling down on their control. They know we’re getting close to taking it all back.


2024 is our final stand. If we don’t fight like hell, we lose everything. This is about survival—yours, your family’s, your future. It’s time to stop talking, time to act. We need to abolish the Federal Reserve, end the IRS, and tear down the deep state that’s been bleeding America dry.


They think they’ve already won, but they haven’t seen what happens when patriots unite. We’re not backing down. This is our country, and we’re taking it back. Now is the time to Make America Great Again.

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