

JFK Q17  2024 9/21

Operation Hammer: The Reckoning Begins


450,000 sealed indictments. Thousands of JAG tribunals. This is Operation Hammer, the military's secret weapon in the war for the future. The world is about to witness a takedown of the deepest networks of corruption and power. The White Hats military is on the move, systematically dismantling the web of lies, deceit, and treachery that has kept the elites above the law for far too long.

45 万件の封印された起訴状。何千もの JAG 法廷。これは未来のための戦争における軍の秘密兵器、ハンマー作戦です。世界は腐敗と権力の最も深いネットワークの崩壊を目撃しようとしています。ホワイトハット軍は動き出し、エリート層を長きにわたって法の支配下に置い てきた嘘、欺瞞、裏切りの網を組織的に解体しています。

Forget what you know about justice. This is war. A war for the soul of humanity, where treasonous leaders, corporate elites, and foreign puppet masters are finally being exposed. The crimes against humanity, the trafficking, the election fraud—all laid bare by 450,000 sealed indictments, each one an arrow aimed at the heart of the corrupt. Thousands of tribunals are already underway. Trials that will shake the foundations of power. And executions? Yes, the highest level of punishment for the worst offenders.

正義について知っていることは忘れてください。これは戦争です。人類の魂のための戦争であり、反逆的な指導者、企業エリート、外国の操り人形師がついに暴露されます。人道に対する罪、人身売買、選挙詐欺、これらすべてが 45 万件の封印された起訴状によって明らかにされ、その 1 つ 1 つが腐敗した人々の心臓部に向けられた矢です。すでに何千もの法廷が開かれています。権力の基盤を揺るがす裁判です。そして処刑? そう、最悪の犯罪者に対する最高レベルの刑罰です。

The storm isn't coming—it's here. Executive Orders 13818, 13848, and 13959 are the legal firepower behind Operation Hammer. These orders target foreign interference, human rights abuses, and Chinese military companies like Evergrande, pulling back the curtain on the puppet masters behind the scenes. The elites are panicking, their power is crumbling, and the White Hats are moving swiftly.

嵐は来るのではなく、すでにここに来ている。大統領令 13818、13848、13959 は、ハンマー作戦の背後にある法的弾力である。これらの命令は、外国の干渉、人権侵害、エバーグランデなどの中国の軍事企業を標的とし、舞台裏の操り人形師のベールを剥ぐ。エリートたちはパニックに陥り、彼らの権力は崩壊し、ホワイトハットは迅速に動いている。

The White Hats aren't just soldiers. They are the guardians of truth, armed with irrefutable evidence and the backing of military tribunals. The trials are happening right now—away from the public eye. Hidden, but not for long. GITMO is alive with the sound of retribution, and no one is escaping judgment. These are not ordinary courtrooms. These tribunals are swift, unyielding, and unforgiving.


This is the final reckoning. High-profile arrests have already started. The names you've heard whispered—Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Podesta, Huma Abedin—they’re not just rumors anymore. Their trials have begun, with shocking revelations and confessions under oath. Even Russia is now aligned with the White Hats in this global takedown, confirming the military's silent war to eradicate evil from every corner of the world.


And then there's Admiral Crandall at Guantanamo Bay, presiding over this wave of justice like a hammer crashing down on the guilty. This man is the chief judge of the century, executing justice with military precision, sending traitors to their final reckoning. GITMO isn't just a prison anymore—it's the front line of the battle between good and evil.


The media won’t tell you this. They are complicit in the deception, feeding the masses a carefully crafted illusion while the real war rages in the shadows. But the truth is seeping through the cracks, and soon, the floodgates will open. The Thanksgiving Day operation to arrest Joe Biden is only the beginning. They tried to hide it, they tried to make us believe he was untouchable—but the White Hats see everything. The world is waking up, and the time for reckoning has come.


Prepare yourself. Operation Hammer is reshaping the world in ways no one saw coming. The indictments are real, the trials are happening, and the executions will soon send a clear message: No one is above the law. Keep your eyes on GITMO. Keep your ears to the ground. The storm has arrived.


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